Monthly Women’s Dream Group led by Sil
4th Friday of the month from noon-1:30 pm EST, current
“The more you work with your dreams and your unconscious, and honor it, the more you understand it and it understands you.”
Marion Woodman, Jungian Author and Analyst
Marion Woodman taught that the metaphorical language of our dreams is the language of our soul. She urged her students to learn to translate this language and to attend to the guiding function of their dreams, so that they might be a conscious participant in the unfolding of their destiny.
Woodman often spoke about unattended dreams being like unopened mail. Come open your dream mail in community and become fluent in the language of your soul!
For the RESTED membership fee ($55 month) you can be part of Sil’s monthly women’s dream group as well as be a member of the Daring to Rest community of women who are dedicated to stopping the cycle of fatigue in their lives. Through an extensive library of rest practices and a monthly rest circle, Karen Brody will remind you that you can be rested and lead a full life, and Sil will guide you in listening to your dreams. Come live or listen to the recording later, at your convenience.
Conscious Femininity & The Buddha Way
3rd Thursday of the month from 10-12 am EST, fall 2022
with Sil Reynolds and Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei
During the period of pandemic retreat over the last two years, Sil and Hojin Kimmel (Abbot at Zen Center of NYC) have taught a monthly online class for women from their two perspectives of Jungian psychology and Buddhism. The next enrollment period will be late summer 2022.
In this next offering, Sil will continue to teach about the power of bringing these archetypal energies to consciousness and how, by doing so, we can allow ourselves to be guided towards physical, psychological, and spiritual wholeness and release. Hojin will continue to guide us in the practice of meditation—of appreciating karma—and practicing the gentle precision of letting go and touching into the vast aspect of who we are.
A wonderful aspect of our gatherings has been acknowledging that we are imparting practices from two wisdom traditions as a path of discovering who we are. We walk. And as we walk, we are we are walking side by side with each other, and with those who came before us and who have transmitted their wisdom findings so that we may grow and learn and recognize & heal the wounds from our own familial lineage. By doing this, we can carry on in the best way by bringing forth our own innate wisdom for generations to follow.